“Dear Jone”

by Hallie


PROCESS: Dear Jone was an idea that came to me after a drift with one of my close friends. The film started with a poem about my relationship with the character Jone, directly inspired by my relationship with the actor playing Jone. The video explores the dark possibility of losing a friend so close and the way we cope with that insufferable grief. Ruth writes Jone daily letters, as a way to cope with the loss of her closest friend. In each letter she speaks to Jone as if she were still alive, signing each with her name and placing it in her mailbox. Ruth continues this cycle until Jone writes back, telling Ruth to live life without her in ways Jone couldn’t. For this short film, I invited my lifelong best friend to film some cute scenes with me in my yard, highlighting our special bond. In the final clip of my film, there is a gallery wall of objects from my friendship with Jone. These objects were accumulated over 10 years, from my actual relationship with the actor playing Jone, ranging from handmade gifts to sentimental portraits. All scenes were filmed with my IPhone Se-2022 and a music stand as a tripod. For trailing scenes I had my father move a skateboard with a box on top to hold my phone. All scenes were edited using the app Clip Champ and the editing features of the photo app on Apple devices. The songs I used for this film were “Go Your Own Way” and “Autumn Dunes,” both accessed with Clip Champ premium.