New York Jets Wide Receiver Corey Davis Announces Retirement

Story by Gabby Major

After six seasons in the league and the fifth overall pick of the 2017 NFL Draft, wide receiver for the New York Jets, 28-year-old Corey Davis announces his retirement. Recently, he’s been contemplating taking a step back from the sport to focus more on life and family. As this decision has been made carefully with the help of his friends and family, it’s apparent Davis has been struggling with his health physically and mentally since first joining the Jets. He had been dealing with an injury in 2022 that allowed him only to start ten games during the season, and his brother's death in late 2020 had been causing him to have a rough time without even realizing it. Over 78 games played in the NFL, Davis ended his career with a total of 3,879 receiving yards on 273 catches with 17 touchdowns. If you would like to know more about Corey Davis and the announcement with the New York Jets, please visit

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