The Blind Side Blind Side

Story by Henry Porter

The 2009 film “The Blind Side “ which depicts the inspirational life story of the former NFL star Micheal Oher has often been put into the category of one of the best sports films of all time. It depicts the dark story of Oher's life and the struggles he had to overcome to get where he is today. Unfortunately, the story continues to get darker. On August 14, 2023, Michael Oher filed a petition in a Tennessee court over allegations that Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy fabricated the crux of his story to make themselves rich. Oher states at 18 the “ adoption papers' he signed were actually a contract from the Tuohys to become his conservators, rather than his adopted parents. The Blind Side '' made more than $309 million at the box office, and the Tuohys received about $700,000 to be evenly split among the family. Micheal Oher never received a single Dollar of these earnings. In fact, Oher states he never had any knowledge of the $700,00. Oher acknowledges signing the contract in his Book “ I Beat The Odds “. Oher states `` Since I was already over the age of eighteen and considered an adult by the state of Tennessee, Sean and Leigh Anne would be named as my 'legal conservators.' They explained to me that it means pretty much the exact same thing as 'adoptive parents,' but that the laws were just written in a way that took my age into account," Oher wrote in the book. "Honestly, I didn’t care what it was called. I was just happy that no one could argue that we weren’t legally what we already knew was real: We were a family." What kind of family does this to each other? Oher was blindsided by the fake love of the Tuely family. When in reality it was their love for money and fame that influenced them to help a homeless high schooler with so much athletic potential.

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